Home National News We want Corrupt Thieves to Lay in the Bed they Made- Kyagulanyi

We want Corrupt Thieves to Lay in the Bed they Made- Kyagulanyi

The President of the National Unity Platform (NUP), Robert Kyagulanyi Ssentamu addressing the media at the NUP headquarters. Photo by Robert Musana

The President of the National Unity Platform (NUP), Robert Kyagulanyi Ssentamu, has accused the Speaker of Parliament, Annet Anita Among, of being involved in gross corruption, something that has led to poor service delivery in Uganda.

According to Kyagulanyi, many government officials, including the Speaker, have destroyed and looted Uganda because they think that they can fly to developed countries and enjoy life with their families at the expense of poor Ugandans.

He said this while welcoming the recent United Kingdom’s travel bans imposed on Speaker Among and the other two former ministers whom he accused of participating in the Karamoja iron sheets corruption scandal that saw government ministers charged and imprisoned last year.

Kyagulanyi made remarks during the press conference held at Kavule NUP party headquarters on Thursday, May 2, 2024.

“We welcome these travel sanctions, and we want these thieves, the corrupt officials, to lay in the bed they made. We are happy that such sanctions have been imposed against them. We request more sanctions against President Museveni and his son, General Muhoozi,” Kyagulanyi said.

“Because they have messed up our country. They have destroyed the healthy sectors of education and business because they access medical care from developed countries, and they indeed die at the cost of tax payers. We need more sanctions against President Museveni, his son, Muhoozi Kainerugaba, and other corrupt officials,” he added.

However, Asuman Basalirwa, the Member of Parliament for Bugiri Municipality, said that the UK did not give a concrete justification for its purported sanctions against the Speaker, stating that the Speaker was sanctioned because of her anti-homosexuality support in Parliament.

“There were other ministers who were allegedly involved in the corruption scandal, such as Minister Amos Lugoolobi and Matia Kasaija. Why were they not sanctioned? Also, the anti-homosexuality decision was not only for the speaker but also for the Ugandans at large,” Asuman said.

However, Kyagulanyi retaliated, questioning why he (Asuman) was not sanctioned yet he was the mover of the anti-homosexuality law.

According to Kyagulanyi, Speaker Among has been the first to be sanctioned among the corrupt leaders, but many more will soon be slapped with the same sanctions for the pursuit of justice.

In 2014, the UK sanctioned Kyagulanyi due to his controversial anti-gay lyrics, where he urged the public to take action against individuals he referred to as “batty men.” However, last year, the UK lifted the ban on Kyagulanyi after a decade.

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