Home National News Speaker Among Asks Gov’t to Reduce on Borrowing, Focus on Revenue Expansion

Speaker Among Asks Gov’t to Reduce on Borrowing, Focus on Revenue Expansion

Rt. Hon. Annet Anita Among, the Speaker of Parliament and her Deputy, Rt. Hon. Thomas Tayebwa arriving at Kololo Independence Grounds for the National Budget reading. Photo by: Ronald Odongo

The Speaker of Parliament, Annet Anita Among, has urged the government to reduce domestic borrowing and focus more on the expansion of revenue collection.

She made the remarks while chairing the special Parliamentary sitting held at Kololo Independence Grounds on Thursday, June 15, 2023, during the presentation of the 2023–2024 budget.

Rt. Hon. Annet Anita Among, the Speaker of Parliament and her Deputy, Rt. Hon. Thomas Tayebwa
Rt. Hon. Annet Anita Among, the Speaker of Parliament and her Deputy, Rt. Hon. Thomas Tayebwa being welcomed by Clerk to Parliament, Adolf Mwesige at Kololo Independence Grounds for the National Budget reading

According to Speaker Among, the government should consider widening tax bases in order to expand revenue collection, a move that she said will enable the government to finance domestic arrears and reduce borrowing.

In the next financial year, Speaker Among urged the government to address systematic challenges in a bid to guarantee successful implementation of the Parish Development Model, which she said will effectively empower local residents and get them into the money economy.

She also cautioned accounting officers of all government departments and agencies to reduce wastage of resources by spending on activities that empower local people and ensure effective accountability of resources advanced to them.

“In the coming financial year, Parliament will not stop at appropriating budgets but will enhance oversight roles to ensure accountability,” said Among.

According to the Speaker, the National budget is an enabling tool for the government to achieve the programs it envisions for its citizens.

Regarding attendance by the ministers, Speaker Among expressed dissatisfaction in the manner in which a handful of ministers have continued to turn up for Parliamentary sessions despite the large number.

Finance Minister Matia Kasaija, while presenting the 2023–2024 budget, emphasized the government’s commitment to continue stabilizing the economy, which he terms as steadily progressing. The next budget stands at Ugx52 trillion.

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