Home Politics Return Allowances Meant for Regional Parliamentary Sittings-DP to LOP 

Return Allowances Meant for Regional Parliamentary Sittings-DP to LOP 

The Parliament of Uganda is set to hold four regional sittings, with the first one starting on August 28, 2024, at Kaunda grounds in Gulu, and they are to hold other sittings in Mbarara, Mbale, and Masaka. Each sitting is to cost over UGX 5 billion, and many people have criticized the relevance of these regional sittings as they seem not to have a direct impact on the constituents. 

Ismail Kirya, the Democratic Party Spokesperson and President of the Uganda Young Democrats (UYD) addressing the presser at the party headquarters on Balintuma Road in Rubaga division, Kampala. Courtesy photo

The Democratic Party Spokesperson and President of the Uganda Young Democrats (UYD), Ismail Kirya, has asked the Leader of Opposition in Parliament (LOP), Joel Ssenyonyi, to ask all opposition Members of Parliament (MPs) planning to boycott the Parliamentary Regional sittings to return all the money given to them for allowances.

Kirya made the remarks while addressing members of the press at the party offices at Balintuma Road in Rubaga division, Kampala, on August 27, 2024.

“All MPs have already received per diem and fuel. Let Ssenyonyi tell the Members of Parliament to return the money given to them by parliament to the treasurer, and also you as LOP, return the money given for allowances, and then we shall know that you are serious,” Kirya said.

Read Also: Regional Parliamentary Sittings are Just Usual Merry-Making Trips for MPs

Kirya also questioned the LOP to explain to Ugandans how the UGX 20 billion meant to be spent on the parliamentary sittings was passed in parliament and approved by the MPs, opposition inclusive.

“We heard the Leader of Opposition trying to stop opposition Members of Parliament from attending the meetings, which is a good gesture, but it comes late as parliament claims that this money was already budgeted for and was to be spent. Where was the LOP when that money was put in the budget, and what were his comments when the budget item was being read on the floor of parliament?” Kirya asked.

The Parliament of Uganda is set to hold four regional sittings, with the first one starting on August 28, 2024, at Kaunda grounds in Gulu, and they are to hold other sittings in Mbarara, Mbale, and Masaka. Each sitting is to cost over UGX 5 billion, and many people have criticized the relevance of these regional sittings as they seem not to have a direct impact on the constituents.

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