Home National News 10 Kotido Locals Hospitalized Following Violent Land Clash

10 Kotido Locals Hospitalized Following Violent Land Clash

Victims of Kotido land crush hospitalized at Panyngara Health Center III

10 local residents of Panyngara Sub County in Kotido District are currently receiving treatment at Kotido General Hospital and Panyngara Health Center III following a violent disagreement over a piece of land.

The conflict erupted at Kapadakook Ward in South Division, approximately 8 kilometers from Kotido town, on April 14, 2024, when the Ngikerio and Nawii clans got into a physical confrontation over control of a murum borrow pit.

The clash resulted in severe injuries, with individuals sustaining wounds to their heads, arms, and other parts of their bodies, necessitating hospitalization.

Among those injured are Teko Lonynagateba, Lokwii Lobokodiye, Apaloryonga Menen, Lokii Kotido, Lorion Lowaka, and Lokii Lopusmeri, all belonging to the Nawii Clan.

According to eyewitness Rikot Loteki, the dispute arose when Malta Company approached the Nawii clan to negotiate the use of their land for extracting murum needed for the renovation of the Kotido-Moroto road. However, negotiations turned violent when a group of enraged youths, armed with clubs and machetes, attacked Nawii clan members, sparking the altercation.

Lodiny Ibrahim Amin, the LC3 caretaker, confirmed the clash and urged both parties to seek an amicable resolution to the issue.

Land disputes in Kotido District have seen an increase, reportedly fueled by the discovery of valuable minerals and rare earth deposits.

Joseph Orisa

Communication Officer, Kotido District

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