Home National News Court Reinstates MP Zaake as Commissioner of Parliament

Court Reinstates MP Zaake as Commissioner of Parliament

The Constitutional Court has reinstated Mityana Municipality MP Francis Zaake as the Commissioner of Parliament after quashing a resolution by Parliament that had suspended him.

According to the court, Zaake was illegally impeached as commissioner on grounds that the Speaker of Parliament, Anita Among, offended the rules of natural justice, among others.

“Several parliamentary rules of procedure were illegally suspended, and these include amending the order paper to include a resolution to expel Zaake from the commission,” the court said.

Zaake said he has always been a commissioner and accused Speaker Among of acting outside the law.

“I am a Commissioner of Parliament, and it has been clear that the legislature, as an arm of government, does not respect the laws it makes. Among is not supposed to be called righteous because she doesn’t follow the law. She thought she was untouchable, but today, she has been put in her rightful place,” said MP Zaake.

Zaake’s lawyers advised Among not to pursue the case because if she blunder’s, she will be prosecuted criminally and ensure that she pays compensation to MP Zaake for any damage caused.

Chris Obore, the Director, Communication and Public Affairs at Parliament said they have received the judgment adding that they will study and act in accordance with the law.

We have received the court judgement regarding Hon Francis Zaake’s removal from the Parliamentary Commission. The judgement recognizes the report of the Committee on Rules and Privileges but faulted the Plenary Process. We respect the decision of court and we will study it and act in accordance with the law,” said Obore.

On March 10, 2022, Zaake was fired from his job for allegedly defaming Speaker of Parliament Anita Among online. The removal of the MP was approved by 155 legislators in all.

However, he filed a petition with the Constitutional Court asserting that Parliament had violated Articles 2(1) and (2), 88, and 94(1) of the Constitution as well as Rule 110(6) of the Parliamentary Rules of Procedure by passing the impugned resolution without quorum in the House.

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