Home Agriculture 152 Farmers To Benefit Over 12B From The Coffee And cocoa Value...

152 Farmers To Benefit Over 12B From The Coffee And cocoa Value Chains Development Project Grant

Over 152 beneficiaries have been selected to benefit from over 12Billion Uganda shillings as a reimbursement grant from planting coffee and cocoa.

While addressing the press at Uganda Media Centre in Kampala, on February , 27, 2025 , Ronald Kasozi the Coffee and cocoa value chain development project National coordinator said that these beneficiaries are expected to increase productivity of coffee and cocoa in the country and each should have the capacity to plant between 10 to 50 acres.

“We had over 1200 farmers nationwide apply for this grant and only 152 were awarded and from these we expect over 3,497 acres of coffee and 552 acres of Cocoa, this will feed into the National coffee strategy which aims to scale up coffee production to 20 million bags by 2030 as directed by President Museveni,” Kasozi said.

Kasozi further urged the 152 beneficiaries to continue implementing their activities including preparing for the next planting season as the payments to the grantees are being processed.

“Internal processes to exchange signatories to the bank accounts are underway in accordance with the public finance management act , when complete, payments to grantees will be expedited. ” Kasozi added.

Coffee and cocoa are grown in 126 districts across Uganda with production primarily coming from around 1.8 million households.

The project previously under the Uganda coffee development Authority (UCDA) is co-funded with support from the European Union had a total implementation budget of UGX of UGX 25.5 billion.

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