ICT Minister Assures Ugandans of Safety on Data Collected for Digital Number Plates

Dr. Chris Baryomunsi, the Minister of ICT & National Guidance addressing the presser during the launch of the 2024 Data Privacy Campaign at Uganda Media Centre in Kampala on Tuesday, January 9, 2024. Courtesy photo

The ICT Minister, Dr. Chris Baryomunsi, has assured Ugandans that the personal data collected for the digital number plate project rollout will be protected to avoid misuse, stating that digital number plates are meant to curb crime, not to fetch people’s secret lives.

According to Minister Baryomunsi, the collected data will help security agencies track individuals who commit crimes while using cars and motorcycles around the country.

Baryomunsi made the remarks while launching the 2024 Data Privacy Campaign under the Personal Data Protection Office (PDPO), with the theme Stop, Think, Own Your Privacy, during a press conference held at the Uganda Media Centre in Kampala on Tuesday, January 9, 2024.

The minister said that as Uganda embraces more digital connectivity and technological advancements, data breaches and information misuse are prevalent, and as such, protecting personal data has never been more critical.

He, however, emphasised Uganda’s commitment to data privacy with the 2019 Data Protection and Privacy Act, with key provisions including safeguarding individual privacy, ensuring the rights of those whose data is collected, and regulating data collectors’ responsibilities and information use.

In a bid to ensure data protection and privacy in Uganda, Bayromunsi said the Personal Data Protection Office will conduct public sensitization engagements with educational webinars, X Space, guest lectures at universities, TV and radio talk shows, and encourage Data Protection Officers to promote awareness within their institutions.

The government of Uganda launched the Intelligent Transport Monitoring System (ITMS) project in November 2023, amid privacy concerns. Several vehicles from key government entities, including the Office of the President, Uganda Police, and the Ministry of Works and Transport, were selected as samples for the project.