Uganda Coffee Farmers to Earn Big as Export Earnings Shoot


Ugandan coffee export earnings registered an increase since the month of July by 12.16% in a span of 12months which is beneficial to the coffee farmers in the country as there is increased profits.

The Uganda Coffee Development Authority (UCDA) has released statistics of coffee exports for the period of 12 months (August 2022-July 2023), registering 5.83Million bags worth USD 867.50Million. In the month of July alone, it recorded earnings of Ugx 391Billion, where a total of 645,832-60kilo bags worth USD 104.99Million was collected.

“This comprised 586,871 bags of Robusta valued at US 92.5Million dollars (about 344 Billion shillings) and 58,961 of Arabic Valued at US dollars 12.40Million (about 46.2Billion),” the statement read in part.

In a statement released on Wednesday, August 23, 2023, UCDA noted that, this was an increase of 12.16% and 25.85% in quality and valve respectively compared to the previous year same month.

The Robusta coffee increased by 11.40% and 29.79% in quantity and valve respectively, while Arabic exports increased by 20.33% and 2.59% in quantity and valve respectively compared to last year’s statistics.

According to UCDA, This is due to good crop harvest in the south-western region and the prevailing good prices on the global scene, changes in exporter positions showing competition at a high level, and increased marketing.

Sudan, South Africa, Morocco, Algeria, Egypt and Kenya were some of the African countries that imported Ugandan coffee. Europe remained the main destination for Uganda’s coffee with over 61% imports share.

For years, coffee had been the Uganda’s biggest export earner until it was over taken by gold in 2018.