Sunday, December 22, 2024

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    Tag: Nominations

    A retired senior military officer, RO/00184 Colonel (RTD) Dick Bugingo, has continued to use both practical and theoretical farming skills to transform the livelihoods of many Ugandans through mindset change and model farming. At his AGDI diary...
    70-year-old Scholastica Namuli, a widow to Karoli Lubowa, was attacked and brutally hacked in Busowe village, Kirumba sub-county, Kyotera district.

    NUP Fronts Sultana Salim for Kisoro Woman MP By-election

    According to the Electoral Commission road map, the different candidates will be nominated from October 30-31, 2024, and the elections will be held on Thursday, November 14, 2024, where successfully nominated candidates will campaign for 12 days.

    South African Award-winning Singer Tyla Postpones and Cancels Some...

    The South African Grammy-award-winning singer and songwriter Tyla Laura Seethal has said that she canceled all her international tour...

    House of Bishops Elects Canon Banja 6th Bishop of...

    The House of Bishops of the Church of Uganda sitting at St Stephen’s Cathedral Naluwerere in East Busoga Diocese...

    Electoral Commission Issues Dates for Nominees to Submit Academic...

    The Electoral Commission (EC) has announced dates when nominees are required to submit their academic documents to the Commission...

    Electoral Commission Releases Oyam North Constituency Nomination Schedule

    The Electoral Commission (EC) through the Office of the District Returning Officer of Oyam has on Monday, June 19,...

     Sneak Peek into the Upcoming Oyam By-Election

    As the country prepares for the Oyam County North by-election, here is what you should know about it. The Electoral...

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