Saturday, June 29, 2024

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    Tag: Mbale City

    "Don't just track the money, follow up and see if allocated funds have delivered the intended project," said Oluka. 
    The State House Anti-Corruption Unit (SHACU), in conjunction with the Criminal Investigation Department (CID) and the Office of the Director of Public Prosecution (ODPP), has arraigned three PDM SACCO leaders of Namutumba District before the Chief...

    RDC Nasike Urges PDM Committees to Uphold Integrity

    "Concerns have been raised about power dynamics within the PDCs, with some members exerting undue influence and pressuring beneficiaries for personal gain."

    A Tale of the Fallen Wilson Wamimbi, Bugisu’s First...

    Wilson Weasa Wamimbi, the Umukuuka of Inzu Ya Masaaba Bugisu and the former Chairman of Mbale district, has died...

    DP Releases Electoral Roadmap ahead of the 2026 General...

    The Democratic Party has released an electoral road map for the party's rebuilding processes ahead of the 2026 general...

    Uganda & China Partnership Goes to Mbale: NEC-Wattu Project...

    The National Enterprise Corporation (NEC) has partnered with a Chinese firm to manufacture car supplies, with a project to...

    Mbale City Dwellers Decry Sewage Leakages, Blockages

    Residents of Mbale City have decried the increasing sewage leakages and blockages around the banks of the River Nabuyonga. The...

    State House Anti-Corruption Unit Arrests Mbale City Council Officials...

    The State House Anti-Corruption Unit together with Uganda Police have arrested six Mbale City Council officials on various corruption...

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