Nakapiripirit District Set to Complete Third Seed Secondary School

Nakapiripirit District
Some of the Nakapiripirit District Local Government officials on site inspecting Moruita Seed Secondary School project that is nearing completion. Courtesy photo

Nakapiripirit district is set to have a third seed secondary school within the district at the end of December 2024.

The Moruita Seed Secondary School project, worth Ugx 3.188 billion, is being funded under the Uganda Inter-Government Fiscal Transfer (UGift), with six classroom blocks, a two-unit science laboratory block, an administration block, a three-unit teachers’ house, a three-unit teachers’ kitchen, a two-stance lined VIP latrine block, two five-stance lined VIP latrine blocks for boys and girls (students), a rainwater harvest system with a 5000-liter water tank, an ICT laboratory, a multi-purpose hall, sport field, and a two-unit stance VIP latrine for staff being constructed.

According to the District Chairperson, John Nangiro, Sanitation Africa Limited is undertaking the construction works scheduled to be completed in 2024, according to the project period.

Speaking as the chief guest during a monitoring visit held at Moruita Sec. School on May 6, 2024, the Deputy Resident District Commissioner (RDC), Augustine Modo, applauded the Ministry of Education and Sports for the project, saying that Moruita sub-county had no secondary school before this project.

“We want the government to consider giving us money to build the school, and what we want now is quality work,” Modo said.

Modo, however, cautioned the contractor against shoddy work, warning that the contract stands to be terminated if the work is unsatisfactory.

Nangiro instructed his technical staff to ensure that the school land was protected and warned against potential encroachers plowing on the land.

He urged local leaders in the sub-sounty to ensure that parents bring children to school upon completion since the government has injected large sums of money into infrastructure in schools.

The Chief Administrative Officer (CAO), Lawrence Wadada, told the contractor to expedite the completion of work.

The Acting District Education Officer, Alice Amei, appealed to the government to build another seed school in Lemusui since the area has no secondary school.

This development has brought the number of new seed schools launched in Nakapiripirit to three, which include Nakapiripirit Seed School, Namalu Seed School, and Moruita Seed Secondary School.

Oboth Henry

Communication Officer of Nakapiripirit District Local Government