Maurice Kirya Set to Hold 6th Edition of ‘KiryaLive’ Concert

Singer Maurice Kirya

Soul singer Maurice Kirya is set to conduct the sixth edition of the Kirya live event, dubbed KiryaLive2023, on September 8, 2023,  at the Kampala Serena Hotel. The event began in 2011 and gained enormous attraction for soul lovers across the region.

Recently, Kirya said he put a lot of time, soul, and money into putting the album together during the outbreak of the coronavirus that led to the closure of many businesses.

“This by far will be the most expensive album I’ve ever made; I poured my soul and my bank account into it. Making such a body of work during a pandemic is no joke, especially with the regulations on shows,” he said.

Nexus Media has established that the talented soul singer is also preparing to stage a concert in Paris, New York, London, Rotterdam, Berlin, Dubai, Nairobi, and Kigali early next year.

“It’s been a good 22 years! To all my fans, friends, and supporters who made this journey worth it, thank you! I hope you keep the memories alive. One last one for the road! 2023,” he tweeted.

Maurice Kirya is famously known for songs such as Omulembe Gwa Kirya, Boda Boda,Headmaster, Busaabala, Wooye, and Bbuba, among others, which he uses to serenade his fans.