LGBTQ Social Media

I have always wondered what makes a song go viral while another one doesn’t! Is it because the song was well made and resonates with many people? Perhaps it’s because of a good marketing strategy? Many songs meet the above criteria but have died just upon release. There seem to be intrinsic features and sounds that create a viral connection.

What about viral hash tags? What really makes a hash tag trend? Is it the topic and newsworthiness of what is being shared? With the advent of social media and other “real-time” information sharing platforms, the same innate features seem to be wired into phrases and “hash tags” that sweep social media like a wild storm. Someone may want to reason that it’s the power of artificial intelligence (AI) and the corresponding algorithms. What if a hidden entity that knows which computer buttons to press and where to direct information is responsible for the viral hash tags?

What if the viral hash tags on social media we have witnessed in the last few days were all part of a well orchestrated agenda? What if LGBTQ and other communities and organizations were the ones who came up with all of these recent slogans, statements, and even parodies in an effort to lessen the impact of the recently passed Anti-Homosexuality Bill? Could it be true that the “fear womenhash tag is a ploy to diminish the attraction between men and women?

Apparently, these are deceptive agendas that are meant to portray and normalize same-sex relationships and view the male-female relationship as a frantic agenda with significant emotional investment. The “fear women” joke is much more than a catchphrase to poke a jab at women, but rather to belittle them and water down their role and identity.

You could be an innocent participant without realizing that you are advocating the agenda of the LGBTQ community and their evil ploys. The phrase ‘Fear Women’ is a psychological statement intended to have an effect on the male gender, particularly young men. A hidden agenda to cause them to grow up fearing women, which would lead them to engage in masturbation or persuade them that it is acceptable to sleep with other men.

Over the past few years, it has become clear that the LGBTQ community and their allies are constantly creating initiatives to recruit and empower those who identify with them in order to advance their cause. This time around, their new “innovation” is a hash tag that is stealthily causing friction between the opposite sexes.

Think about it: we have no reason to fear women whatsoever! We are all born of women, whether we are homosexual or not. No man has ever given birth to a child. Maybe you can fear a woman for different reasons, just like any human being who might cause you harm. It can’t then be that you have to fear all women because of what a woman does to you!

Even gay couples who brag about their adoptions can only adopt a child who has grown in a woman’s womb. Ugandans, let’s be mindful of what we get involved in, especially when it comes to information dissemination. These deceptive ideas are intended to destroy humanity; therefore, you must avoid playing ignorant and falling for the promotion of this agenda.

Psychological invalidation is among the deadliest forms of emotional maltreatment. It destroys confidence, creativity, and uniqueness. Our mothers and daughters deserve more than to be a species that is dreaded. I will rather say, “Love your woman; love your mother; love your wife; love your sister; love your female boss; love your female neighbor.” Where fear is present, love cannot prevail. Where fear is absent, love prevails. I dare say, love your woman.