World Diabetes Day: WHO Commits Support to End Epidemic in Africa

According to the International Diabetes Foundation, in 2021, an estimated 716,000 adults in Uganda had diabetes. About 89% of Ugandans with diabetes are neither on medication nor aware of their status and therefore present to the health system with difficult-to-treat complications.

World Diabetes Day
People engaged in the World Diabetes Day Walk. Courtesy photo

The World Health Organization (WHO) has offered its commitment to reduce risks and ensure that all diabetes-diagnosed patients have access to reasonable, comprehensive, affordable, and high-quality treatment and care.

A statement made by the World Health Organization (WHO) on November 13, 2024, indicated that in the African region alone, over 24 million persons are now living with diabetes, with half of them remaining untreated.

“Diabetes, if left untreated, can cause consequences including heart disease, stroke, nerve damage, renal failure, lower-limb amputation, and blindness,’’ the statement read.

According to the statement, coming together will help break down the barriers and address the gaps by raising awareness, spreading knowledge, and creating lasting change for everyone in Africa affected by diabetes.

It, however, shunned misconceptions and misinformation like myths and lack of knowledge about diabetes, which have continued to prevent early diagnosis and proper care by people suffering it.

“Africa has the world’s lowest investment rate in diabetes treatment, accounting for only 1% of total health spending. Health systems have typically been intended to cope with acute, infectious illnesses, with insufficient attention dedicated to chronic disorders such as diabetes, it read.

Read Also: Diabetes: A Serious Condition that can be Prevented

According to the International Diabetes Foundation, in 2021, an estimated 716,000 adults in Uganda had diabetes. About 89% of Ugandans with diabetes are neither on medication nor aware of their status and therefore present to the health system with difficult-to-treat complications.

In Uganda, Kabale District Local Government hosted the 2024 World Diabetes Day with free health checkups on November 14, 2024.

The event, which is celebrated on November 14th every year, was held under the theme, Breaking Barriers, Bridging Gaps.

Diabetes is a chronic, lifelong condition that causes uncontrolled blood sugar levels because the body can no longer make or use the insulin it generates properly.