UNEB to Commence Marking of PLE and UCE Exams

A total of 798,771 candidates sst for PLE, and 379,748 candidates sat for UCE at various centres nationwide.

Jennifer Musamba Kalule, the UNEB spokesperson addressing the media in Kampala. Courtesy photo

The Uganda National Examinations Board (UNEB) is set to begin marking the Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE) and Primary Leaving Examinations (PLE) with 7,500 examiners contracted to assess PLE scripts across 13 marking centres.

The UNEB spokesperson, Jennifer Musamba Kalule, while speaking to media at the police headquarters in Naguru on November 25, 2024, said that the board will begin marking the PLE papers at 13 marking centres.

“We are now set for marking of these examinations, especially for PLE and UCE, and for PLE, coordination is at hand. We do expect the senior examiners to report on the status of this mark,’’ Kalule said.

She noted that examiners invited for PLE marking are expected to report to their respective centres on November 30, 2024, and urged those who have not yet received their invitations to report to their secretariat.

Read Also: UNEB to Examine New Lower Secondary Curriculum for First Time

Kalule confirmed that three of the four national examinations for the year—Primary Leaving Examination (PLE), Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE), and Uganda Advanced Certificate of Education (UACE)—have been completed.

She added that the newly introduced Lower Secondary Curriculum (NLSC), which streamlined subjects from 46 to 36, has helped UNEB to reduce examiners from 12,000 to 7,000, with marking spread across 14 centres.

Read Also: UNEB to Examine New Lower Secondary Curriculum for First Time

A total of 798,771 candidates sst for PLE, and 379,748 candidates sat for UCE at various centres nationwide.