Uganda, Tanzania Sign a 15 year Ugx 71.1Bn MOU in ICT to Bridge Digital Gap in EAC

Minister Baryomunsi
Dr. Chris Baryomunsi, the Minister of ICT & National Guidance. Courtesy photo

Uganda and Tanzania governments have signed a memorandum of understanding worth Ugx 71.1Bn for 15 years, for the integration of the Tanzania ICT Broadband Backbone (NICTBB) with Uganda National ICT Backbone Infrastructure (NITA), aimed at boosting communication and increasing employment for the youth among African countries.

The event took place on Saturday morning, September 30, 2023, in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania witnessed by Dr. Chris Baryomunsi and Nape Nnaye, both Ministers of Information Communication and Technology.

The Ministers noted that, the move will boost the telecommunication sector and increase employment for the youth in countries of the East African Community (EAC) and the whole of Africa.

Dr.  Baryomunsi said that, NITA is the lifeline of modern digital economies, and serves as a backbone upon which all digital services and communication networks depend on, in an era where the information and communication is transforming.

“The way we live, work and do business, the robust and reliable ICT infrastructure is essential for the growth and prosperity of our nations today. The memorandum we have just signed symbolizes our dedication to realizing a common vision,” Baryomunsi said.

Nnaye appreciated and extended his gratitude to the Ugandan delegation for accepting the invitation, and noted that, it will strengthen and promote the use of communication and information technology between the two countries and the entire EAC region.

“It is our commitment that National ICT backbone becomes your first choice, when you want to upgrade capacity and when you are making all the decisions in terms of upgrade of the capacity,” Nnaye said.

This initiative was conceived by the President of Tanzania, Samia Suluhu Hassan and the President of Uganda, Yoweri Kaguta Museveni, to bring the two ICT agencies together to bridge the gap between digital divide by connecting the back bones.