Sunday, December 22, 2024

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    Tag: UNEB Spokesperson

    A retired senior military officer, RO/00184 Colonel (RTD) Dick Bugingo, has continued to use both practical and theoretical farming skills to transform the livelihoods of many Ugandans through mindset change and model farming. At his AGDI diary...
    70-year-old Scholastica Namuli, a widow to Karoli Lubowa, was attacked and brutally hacked in Busowe village, Kirumba sub-county, Kyotera district.

    UNEB to Commence Marking of PLE and UCE Exams

    A total of 798,771 candidates sst for PLE, and 379,748 candidates sat for UCE at various centres nationwide.

    UNEB PLE Papers’ Deal Gone Bad

    Section 25 of the UNEB Act, CAP 259, provides that any person who gains or attempts to gain possession of any examination papers commits an offense and is liable on conviction to a fine not exceeding UGX 2 million and a term of imprisonment not exceeding five years.

    Former UNEB Secretary Bukenya Dies at 90 Years

    Bukenya was the longest-serving UNEB chief examiner, after replacing David Ongom in April 1995 until his retirement on March 31, 2016.

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