The protests were part of a broader movement against corruption, particularly targeting Speaker of Parliament Anita Among, who has faced accusations of corruption practices.
The protesters put forward several demands, including the resignation of the Speaker of Parliament, Anita Annet Among and the four backbench commissioners, a reduction in the number of Ugandan MPs, an audit into MPs' lifestyles, the resignation of any MPs involved in corruption scandals and a reduction in MPs' salaries and allowances to a maximum of Ugx 3 million.
As the senior officers embark on this significant transition, they are encouraged to embrace the opportunities that retirement brings, contributing positively to their communities and ensuring a prosperous future.
The Teso Tourism Symposium that occurred from July 19–20, 2024, it was a great opportunity that was meant to highlight Teso's tourism potential worldwide, but the event's turn-up was very low, with barely one hundred people showing up on the first day.