Friday, June 28, 2024

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    Tag: uGANDA poLICE fORCE

    Winnie Atyang has been appointed the new Lady Cranes 7s Team Manager by the Uganda Rugby Union Executive Committee and is set to lead the Rugby Cranes 7s to play in the World Series. This development was...
    In a kleptocracy, corrupt politicians enrich themselves secretly outside the rule of law, through kickbacks, bribes, and special favors from lobbyists and corporations, or they simply direct state funds to themselves and their associates.

    Parliament Condemns Police Brutality on MPS During Tour of...

    Parliament has condemned the police brutality of a section of legislators who visited Lubigi Wetlands. In a joint statement issued...

    Kiboga Witchdoctor Held Over Suspected Murder, Child Sacrifice

    The police in Kiboga district have in custody one suspect accused of murdering an 11-year-old girl for a possible...

    How Security Delivered 2024 Martyrs Day Festival at Namugongo

    The 2024 Uganda Martyrs Day ceremonies held at Namugongo in Kampala on Monday, June 3rd, came to a successful...

    Be Your Neighbors’ Security-Police to Pilgrims

    In every large crowd, there are always wrong elements, so the police urge all pilgrims to be alert and vigilant, and freely talk to all police officers to avoid those unwanted individuals.

    UPC Calls for Public, Security Vigilance ahead of Martyrs...

    The Uganda People’s Congress (UPC) party has called upon both the general public and the Uganda Police Force, along...

    LOP Withholds Votes on IGP and DIGP, Demands Comprehensive...

    The Leader of the Opposition in Parliament (LOP), Joel Ssenyonyi, has taken a strong stand regarding the appointment of...

    IGP Ochola Hands over Office to Deputy IGP Maj...

    The outgoing Inspector General of Police (IGP), Martin Okoth Ochola, has handed over office to the Deputy IGP, Major...

    Uganda Police Registers 1.5% Crime Rate Decrease in 2023

    The Uganda Police Force has registered a 1.5% decline in the number of crime cases reported in the year...

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