Wednesday, June 26, 2024

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    Tag: Torture

    Shun the missteps of past administrations and uphold the highest standards of professionalism and integrity in your duties.
    NIRA's standard registration process requires a child to present parental identification. However, in this situation, many parents were killed during the conflict, and others have no official IDs themselves.

    UHRC Highlights Funding Barriers for Women’s Political Participation

    The Uganda Human Rights Commission (UHRC) has established that the lack of access to political funding presents a huge...


    According to Amnesty International, thousands of prisoners of conscience languish in prisons around the world, sometimes for years on...

    MAYUGE: Defense Secretary Arrested over Torture, Murder of Suspect

    Police in Busoga East have arrested a defense secretary for torturing and murdering a suspect in Mayuge district. The 20-year-old...

    Opposition Applauds US Sanctions Imposed on Commissioner of Prisons

    The Leader of Opposition in Parliament (LOP), Mathias Mpuuga has welcomed US' decision to impose sanctions on the Commissioner...

    High Court orders DPP to Produce 10-year-old Victim Subjected...

    The office of the Director of Public Prosecution (DPP) has been ordered by the High Court to produce a...

    Nakasongola Woman Held for Torturing Two Biological Children

    Police in Nakasongola district have arrested a woman for allegedly torturing her two biological children. The suspect has been identified...

    Serere Man Kills Son for failing to Graze Animals

    Police in Serere district have arrested a 50-year-old man for allegedly murdering his son. It's alleged the suspect, identified as...

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