Overcrowded classrooms, inadequate infrastructure, and a dearth of trained teachers worsen the challenges, especially in underserved areas. Meanwhile, the digital divide looms large, with internet penetration at a mere 8.9%, leaving digital literacy aspirations largely unfulfilled.
As Ugandans adopt social-economic transformation, there is a need to be reminded of the critical role of infrastructure in economic growth, which President Museveni committed to investing in: industrial parks, roads and transportation networks, and energy supply systems.
The sites to be redeveloped and marketed are Nyeru Rock Painting in Kumi district, Lakes Opeta and Bisina that harbor several bird species, and Teso Cultural Heritage Site in Katakwi district.
District Communication Officers from various districts in the Teso sub-region have gathered at the Enenku Hotel in Soroti City for a two-day retreat aimed at enhancing the communication function at the local government level.