Saturday, June 29, 2024

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    Tag: Speaker Of Parliament

    Winnie Atyang has been appointed the new Lady Cranes 7s Team Manager by the Uganda Rugby Union Executive Committee and is set to lead the Rugby Cranes 7s to play in the World Series. This development was...
    In a kleptocracy, corrupt politicians enrich themselves secretly outside the rule of law, through kickbacks, bribes, and special favors from lobbyists and corporations, or they simply direct state funds to themselves and their associates.

    Ssenyonyi Accuses Minister Kasolo of Paying Himself over UGX...

    “When I was still COSASE chairman, we embarked on an investigation into the Microfinance Support Center. We immediately discovered that Hon. Haruna Kasolo, Minister of State for Microfinance who supervises the entity, had given himself 2 billion UGX.”

    FIGHTING CORRUPTION: Between President Museveni and Speaker Among, whom...

    The highest corruption levels in Uganda need a collective effort to be fought, and definitely President Museveni cannot succeed when the other arms of government publicly show that they support it.

    NEED Calls Asks Public to Gang Up against Corrupt...

    Corruption is now sanctified in Uganda and corrupt officials are being defended by the government based on the remarks made by the Speaker of Parliament during a mobilization event that took place in Lwengo district on June 22, 2024.

    Police Warn against Misuse of Roads by VIPs, Escorts

    Drivers of authorized emergency vehicles should drive with due care and are not in any way exempted from the consequences of their disregard for the safety of persons or property as prescribed in Section 123(3) of the Traffic and Road Safety Act 1998.

    MPs Shun Offices at Parliament as Police Intensify Probe

    A section of legislators has continued to shun their offices at Parliament amidst intensified police investigations into the corruption...

    DP Asks MPs to Abandon Move to Knife Commissioners

    The opposition Democratic Party (DP) has asked a section of legislators pushing to remove four Parliamentary Commissioners to abandon...

    Speaker Among Asks MPs to Sensitize Electorates on Census

    The Speaker of Parliament, Anita Annet Among, has urged legislators to encourage constituents to participate in the ongoing National...

    DP Cautions Government against Sanctions Slapped on Political Leaders...

    The Democratic Party (DP) has asked the government of Uganda not to take for granted the sanctions put on...

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