Wednesday, July 3, 2024

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    Tag: School

    The Speaker of Parliament, Rt. Hon. Anita Among, has insisted that Parliament is not corrupt, denying allegations levied against Parliament. “Parliament is not corrupt, and even when we have a few members under arrest, they are innocent...
    The Federation of Uganda Basketball (FUBA) has announced an exciting plan to revamp the fan experience before the commencement of the 2023/24 playoffs. Marcus Kwikiriza, the CEO of FUBA, confirmed the development while addressing the members of...

    Kumi P.5 Pupil Kills Classmate While Playing in Class

    Police in Kumi district have in custody a 13-year-old primary five pupil of Auruku Ominai Primary School for allegedly...

    MOTHERHOOD: Twenty-four-hour Job without Pay but Most Fulfilling

    In the small parish of Gagama Hill in Mbale district, amidst rolling hills and a beautiful greenery countryside with...

    Holiday Season: Empower Children to Become All-round Citizens by...

    As the first term school holidays draw close, some school officials are drawing up the holiday program to keep...

    RAMADAN SEASON: A Period of Deep Reflection on the...

    The Ramadan season, set to begin on March 10th or 11, 2024, is a period of deep reflection on...

    Is Marriage a Do-or-Die Commitment?

    Marriage is often perceived as a sacred, long-lasting commitment and a union that is meant to withstand the tests...

    Resource Mismanagement: The Bedrock of Religious Conflicts in Uganda

    Several religious groups, including Muslim, Catholic, and Anglican faiths, have experienced and still continue to experience a surge of...

    School Patron Held Over Sodomy and Aggravated Defilement

    Police in Fort Portal City have arrested a School patron over an allegation of aggravated defilement and sodomy of...

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