The football fraternity around the world continues to pay tribute to former Manchester United legend and Balon Dor winner Denis law who passed on on Friday January, 17, 2025 aged 84.
Manchester United posted on their official...
Investing in human capital development is one of the key priorities that are well referenced under the Government of Uganda's long-term development planning.
Besides health services, human capital development relates to the education and skilling of Uganda's...
Legislators should reflect on the equality of men and women as enshrined in the Constitution of the Republic of Uganda and decipher aspects like property sharing, polygamy, and bride wealth.
The Kiteezi tragedy highlights the need for better waste management practices, regulation of scavenging activities, and emergency preparedness in Uganda.
Some of the buildings are not equipped with fire extinguishers that act as first mitigaters in case of a fire outbreak to minimize the speed at which fire catches a building as the fire brigade reaches the scene.
The practice in Karamoja, where some families still demand 100 heads of cattle as the bride price, creates an avenue for the women to be treated like property in marriages.