Upon his election, Ssemakadde promised to strengthen the rule of law, democracy, legal aid to the disadvantaged people, and provide incentives to the members of the legal fraternity to willingly provide probono services.
Kisaka assumed office on July 23, 2020, after being recommended by President Museveni and approved by the Public Service Commission following Jennifer Musisi’s resignation.
The government aims at making the country a market leader in the generation and dissemination of appropriate agricultural technologies for sustainable development in semi-arid regions that cover the cattle corridor and five other agro-ecological zones comprising the Eastern Savanna (Teso) region, Karamoja dry lands, Lango, Acholi, and west Nile sub-regions.
President Museveni needs to act and show that he is on the side of Ugandans; otherwise, the unchecked impunity showcased by people like Mukiza and other government officials will see Ugandans hating their country. These officials are turning Ugandans hopeless.