The suspect was on his motorcycle, a red Bajaj with the registration number UGD 297 P, but its number plates were twisted and concealed, which drew the officers’ attention.
High Sound for Children organization engages the community through various initiatives aimed at promoting child rights and addressing issues affecting children and young mothers.
The suspects arrested on July 23, 2024, were charged that evening in court, with one suspect remaining in custody, and the police lobby, where the suspects were ushered, is equipped with CCTV cameras.
The protest was part of a larger movement against corruption in Uganda, which has seen significant public outcry due to high-profile corruption scandals involving government officials.
The protesters had seven key demands, among them being the resignation of Speaker of Parliament Anita Among, the resignation of the four back bencher commissioners, reducing the number of Members of Parliament (MPs), and reducing the MPs' salaries and allowances to Ugx 3 million, among others.