Saturday, June 29, 2024

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    Tag: Parliament

    Winnie Atyang has been appointed the new Lady Cranes 7s Team Manager by the Uganda Rugby Union Executive Committee and is set to lead the Rugby Cranes 7s to play in the World Series. This development was...
    In a kleptocracy, corrupt politicians enrich themselves secretly outside the rule of law, through kickbacks, bribes, and special favors from lobbyists and corporations, or they simply direct state funds to themselves and their associates.

    11th Parliament Risks Lacking Quorum If the Corrupt Are...

    The ongoing arrests of legislators and technical staff of Parliament to curb corruption have raised the hopes of Ugandans,...

    MPs Grill NEMA Boss over Wetland Evictions

    The legislators on the Committee of Commissions, Statutory Authorities, and State Enterprises (COSASE) have grilled the Executive Director of...

    Karamoja, Acholi Leaders Re-Affirm Commitment to End Criminality, Boundary...

    Local leaders from the Karamoja and Acholi sub regions have reaffirmed their commitment to ending the long-standing dispute and...

    Ssekikubo Accuses Parliament’s Security Officials of Interfering with Censorship...

    The Lwemiyaga County legislator Theodore Ssekikubo has accused the parliamentary security officials (Sergeant at Arms) of interfering with the...

    Will the Ongoing MPs’ Prosecution Cause Conviction or the...

    The ongoing crackdown on corrupt government officials has led to several arrests of Members of Parliament involved in different...

    Why a Private Security Guard Attempted to Shoot Minister...

    Police in Kabale District have launched investigations into circumstances under which a private security guard attempted to shoot the...

    DEAL GONE BAD: Three MPs Held for Wrongly Touching...

    Police have in custody three Members of Parliament accused of financial mismanagement of war loss compensation funds paid to...

    UPC Applauds NRM Gov’t for Tough Actions Against Corrupt...

    The opposition Uganda People’s Congress (UPC) party has commended the ruling National Resistance Movement (NDM) government for taking tough...

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