“Effective service delivery is critical for promoting economic growth and development and fighting poverty because the government’s core principle is ensuring the needs of citizens are met.”
The government must also prioritize innovation hubs and entrepreneurial support systems to unlock creative potential in areas like arts and green technology.
The Ateker-speaking communities include the Nyangatomo of Ethiopia; the Toposa, Bari, and Torit of South Sudan; the Iteso, Turkana, and Masai of Kenya; the Iteso, Karimojong, Jie, Dodoth, Kumam, Langi, and Kakwa of Uganda; and the Masai of Tanzania, plus other closely-knit groups spread across the greater East African region.
As we continue to witness the profound effects of the Parish Development Model, it is key to acknowledge the holistic transformation it has brought in communities.
The government of Uganda, through its national policy on inclusive education, has paved the way for the empowerment of all the population through the education-for-all initiative, which was introduced in 1997 to ensure that all children, regardless of their disability, have access to quality education.
As Ugandans adopt social-economic transformation, there is a need to be reminded of the critical role of infrastructure in economic growth, which President Museveni committed to investing in: industrial parks, roads and transportation networks, and energy supply systems.
The Eastern Uganda tour will begin in the Bukedi sub-region, where the president will evaluate the progress and impact of the PDM initiatives aimed at economic empowerment and grassroots development together with the local leaders, members of the public, selected model farmers, and the technical staff.