For many years, President Museveni has been very passionate about diminishing the levels of poverty and material deprivation among the people of Uganda.
The 2024 census final report shows that Uganda, as of May 2024, had 10.7m...
The final copy of the 2024 census report is out. It's a 351 pages report whose contents have duly been authenticated by UBOS Executive Director Dr Chris Mukiza and governing Board Chairman Dr. Albert Byamugisha.
The report...
The comedians who have promised fans of rib-cracking comedy that include funny skits, topics, and questions will have the gates open to the public at 07:30 PM, and the attendees are expected to pay UGX 50,000 for silver, UGX 100,000 for VIP, and UGX 3M for a table of 10 people.