Saturday, June 29, 2024

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    Tag: NEMA

    "The UPDF has greatly benefited from the training support provided by the Global Security Service Group, and we are grateful for this fruitful partnership," Maj Gen Bakasumba said.
    Be disciplined and intelligent in order to have a good reputation and representation.

    MPs Grill NEMA Boss over Wetland Evictions

    The legislators on the Committee of Commissions, Statutory Authorities, and State Enterprises (COSASE) have grilled the Executive Director of...


    Humanitarian crisis as NEMA battles with encroachers For over the past few weeks, it has been a sorrowful period among...

    Parliament Condemns Police Brutality on MPS During Tour of...

    Parliament has condemned the police brutality of a section of legislators who visited Lubigi Wetlands. In a joint statement issued...

    WAKISO: Nakiyanja Wetland Degradation Halted to Prevent Flooding, Biodiversity...

    The National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) has halted the Nakiyanja wetland degradation to protect the critical ecosystem at Sonde...

    NEMA Tasks Manufacturers to Buy-Back Used Plastics

    The National Environment Management Authority (NEMA) has launched a nationwide campaign called Yonja Uganda. The campaign is intended to sensitize...

    Unmasking Kampala’s Environmental Reality: Who Carries the Burden?

    Unmasking Kampala's Environmental Reality: Who Carries the Burden? Walking through the vibrant streets of Kampala, I am filled with a...

    Wetlands Under Threat Amid Rising Buildings, Industries in Kampala

    The description of the wetlands in Kampala paints a vivid picture of their natural beauty and ecological significance. It’s on...

    Preserving Beauty: The Collective Responsibility of Shaping Uganda’s Cities

    Last week, I had the opportunity to visit Fort Portal City in western Uganda, and it was an experience...

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