Saturday, June 29, 2024

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    Tag: Murder

    Winnie Atyang has been appointed the new Lady Cranes 7s Team Manager by the Uganda Rugby Union Executive Committee and is set to lead the Rugby Cranes 7s to play in the World Series. This development was...
    In a kleptocracy, corrupt politicians enrich themselves secretly outside the rule of law, through kickbacks, bribes, and special favors from lobbyists and corporations, or they simply direct state funds to themselves and their associates.

    Kumi P.5 Pupil Kills Classmate While Playing in Class

    Police in Kumi district have in custody a 13-year-old primary five pupil of Auruku Ominai Primary School for allegedly...

    Body of Murdered Man Stuck in Kakumiro Mortuary, Police...

    The body of the deceased is still lying in the Kakumiro Health Centre IV mortuary.

    Kiboga Witchdoctor Held Over Suspected Murder, Child Sacrifice

    The police in Kiboga district have in custody one suspect accused of murdering an 11-year-old girl for a possible...

    Six People Die in Ntungamo-Rukungiri Road Motor Accident

    A total of six people have been confirmed dead during a fatal motor vehicle accident at Kakiika along Ntungamo-Rukungiri...


    According to Amnesty International, thousands of prisoners of conscience languish in prisons around the world, sometimes for years on...

    MAYUGE: Defense Secretary Arrested over Torture, Murder of Suspect

    Police in Busoga East have arrested a defense secretary for torturing and murdering a suspect in Mayuge district. The 20-year-old...

    Police Arrest Three over Bribery and Murder in Arua...

    Police in West Nile have arrested two suspects for attempting to bribe a police officer with over Ugx 2...

    Arua Man Held for Murdering Wife over Conjugal Rights...

    Police in Arua city have in custody a 48-year-old man for allegedly murdering his wife over inadequate conjugal attention. The...

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