Friday, July 5, 2024

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    Tag: Minister of State for Finance

    Police in Mateete Town Council, Ssembabule District, have fired tear gas and bullets in the air to disperse coffee milling machine owners, traders, and farmers who have been protesting against the closure of their milling machines for three days now.
    The Government of Uganda is set to issue digital number plates for all categories of vehicles and motorcycles in a phased manner, effective November this year. According to Jim Muhwezi, the Minister for Security, the government will...

    What Sh72.130 trillion National Budget Passed by Parliament will...

    On Thursday, May 16, 2024, Parliament passed a Shs72.130 trillion national budget for the coming financial year 2024-2025. In the...

    We are Going to Map out Households Marked as...

    UBOS has confirmed that they are going to map out households that have been marked as enumerated, yet no actual counting has taken place.

    Parliament Passes Third Supplementary Budget to Fund Construction of...

    Parliament has passed the third supplementary budget presented by the government to kick-start the construction of Hoima International Stadium. The...

    How unique is Lubowa hospital? -LoP asks Gov’t

    Joel Ssenyonyi, the Leader of Opposition, has asked the government of Uganda to explain what is unique about the...

    MPs Oppose Govt’s Proposal to Inject UGX 2Trillion in...

    Members of Parliament have protested the government’s proposal to give Shs2 trillion to DEI Bio Pharma for the construction...

    Gov’t to Borrow over Ugx400Billion to Upgrade Kitgum Tourism...

    The government has presented a loan request seeking to borrow more than four hundred billion shillings from Standard Chartered...

    Ministry of Finance to generate UGX1.9 trillion from Proposed...

    The Minister of State for Finance, Henry Musasizi, has said that the government is set to raise UGX1.9 trillion...

    State Minister of Finance asks Parliament to Waive off...

    The Minister of State for Finance, Henry Musasizi, has requested that Parliament provide a tax waiver of up to...

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