Wednesday, July 3, 2024

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    Tag: Luwero district

    The Speaker of Parliament, Rt. Hon. Anita Among, has insisted that Parliament is not corrupt, denying allegations levied against Parliament. “Parliament is not corrupt, and even when we have a few members under arrest, they are innocent...
    The Federation of Uganda Basketball (FUBA) has announced an exciting plan to revamp the fan experience before the commencement of the 2023/24 playoffs. Marcus Kwikiriza, the CEO of FUBA, confirmed the development while addressing the members of...

    Luwero Court Remands Jesus to Prison

    A self-proclaimed pastor in Luwero district has been remanded to Buntuntumula prison for refusing to be counted during the ongoing National Population and Housing Census 2024.

    Bar Worker Murdered in Luwero, Police Arrests Suspect 

    Police in Luweero are investigating a case of murder by stabbing that occurred on March 7, 2024, at Namaliga...

    Luwero: Two Remanded for Land Grabbing, Assault  

    The State House Anti-Corruption Unit in collaboration with police in Luwero has arraigned two accused persons before the Chief...

    Minister Muyingo Embarks on Supporting Local Councils to Rehabilitate...

    The State Minister for Higher Education and Member of Parliament Bamunanika County, Dr. John Chrysostom Muyingo, in partnership with...

    Police Probes Theft at Ministry of Lands Zonal Offices

    Police is investigating an incident of robbery which occurred at the Ministry of Lands zonal offices in Bukasa village,...

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