National Unity Platform (NUP) President Robert Kyagulanyi, popularly known as 'Bobi Wine' has condemned the police raid at the party's headquarters situated in Kavule, Kamokya.
Kyagulanyi labelled this action as 'a continued violation of the party’s rights.'
Following the ‘peace and violence odds,’ analysis ahead of the 2026 general elections by security analyst Richard Byamukama which was published on 14th February 2025 by Nexus Media, indeed stakes are heightening amongst actors and the...
The Minister for East African Community Affairs, Hon. Rebecca Kadaga, has flagged off a select group of Kiswahili cadres on a 7-day tour in Tanzania and Zanzibar to allow them to interact with the core Kiswahili environment.
The business owners operating in different buildings in Uganda’s capital, Kampala, have blamed their landlords for closing downtown arcades without their consent.
Last-minute cancellation has left many traders feeling ignored, frustrated, and disrespected, as they had hoped to discuss their pressing issues that have been weighing heavily on their businesses.
The highest corruption levels in Uganda need a collective effort to be fought, and definitely President Museveni cannot succeed when the other arms of government publicly show that they support it.
Africa Public Service Day is celebrated annually on June 23rd by all United Nations (UN) member states in recognition of the United Nations International Day of Public Service.
MPs pushing for the censure motion against the four commissioners of parliament have camped at Kololo independence grounds during the State of the Nation address to collect signatures from their colleagues who have not appended the censure motion at parliament.