Friday, July 5, 2024

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    Tag: Imprisonment

    Even though Burora has on many occasions mocked torture victims and dismissed illegal arrests and kidnaps, he deserves a fair hearing.
    Most of the raids are fueled by the Karamojong and the indigenous Itesots themselves.

    Uganda Gov’t to Imprison, Fine Offenders as Crack Down...

    The government cannot compensate encroachers, as this would not only invite more encroachments but also be a tacit approval of illegality.

    Passport Forger Rusoke Arraigned in Court

    The State House Anti-Corruption Unit (SHAC-U), in partnership with the Criminal Investigations Department (CID), has arraigned Elijah Martin Rusoke...

    Six Accused Charged in Court over Aggravated Robbery

    The Kampala Capital City Authority (KCCA) Chief Magistrates Court has charged six accused with aggravated robbery and conspiracy to...

    Army Court Martial Sentences Four Civilians for Murdering LCIII...

    The Uganda People's Defence Forces (UPDF) 3rd Division Court Martial (DCM) sitting at Longaroe and Nakapelimoru sub-counties in Kotido...

    Lira: Businessman Arraigned in Court for Fraudulently Procuring Certificate...

    The State House Anti-Corruption Unit in partnership with Criminal Investigation Department (CID) has arraigned a businessman before the Lira...

    Immigration Demands Return of 8,000 Passports Held Illegally by...

    The Directorate of Citizenship and Immigration Control of Uganda has directed Labor Export companies to return 8,000 passports that...

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