The Uganda Law Society (ULS) has blamed the government for failing to protect the human rights and environment of the residents of Kiteezi following a tragic incident where a garbage mound collapsed, killing over 20 people and causing property damage.
The government failed to deploy over 1,500 medical interns who qualified in 2023 and 2024, including doctors, dental surgeons, nurses/midwives, and pharmacy graduates.
Last-minute cancellation has left many traders feeling ignored, frustrated, and disrespected, as they had hoped to discuss their pressing issues that have been weighing heavily on their businesses.
“We witnessed the selective eviction of victims during the eviction of people in Lubigi Swamp. Some houses were being destroyed while the police were protecting others. This makes the organ lose trust and credibility from the public.”
"The UGX 3.4 billion was meant for war loss compensation by the government, but the accused decided to divert it to Buyaka Growers Cooperative Society for their personal use.”