The government of Uganda has signed its first-ever Mineral Production Sharing Agreement (MPSA) to redevelop Kilembe Mines, the country’s largest copper deposit.
The agreement was finalized during a closed-door session on Monday, March 3, 2025, attended by...
The police are investigating about 15 pastors suspected to be involved in fraudulent transactions, including scamming their clients.
On Monday, March 3, 2025, while addressing the weekly security press briefing at Naguru police headquarters, the police spokesperson...
The marathon, dubbed the ”Boda Boda Riders General Road Users Marathon,” will take place on Saturday, August 27, 2024, and the funds raised will be directed towards procuring ambulances and ensuring timely medical assistance for accident victims.
For the government to uplift the private sector, the middle-class economy has to be revived. Uganda’s economy has no middle class but rather the political class, which is the rich and the poor.
The rehabilitation works on the Nabilatuk-Lorengecora road, linking Napak and Nabilatuk districts in Karamoja sub-region, have commenced after receiving...