Wednesday, July 3, 2024

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    Tag: Fighting against corruption

    The Speaker of Parliament, Rt. Hon. Anita Among, has insisted that Parliament is not corrupt, denying allegations levied against Parliament. “Parliament is not corrupt, and even when we have a few members under arrest, they are innocent...
    The Federation of Uganda Basketball (FUBA) has announced an exciting plan to revamp the fan experience before the commencement of the 2023/24 playoffs. Marcus Kwikiriza, the CEO of FUBA, confirmed the development while addressing the members of...

    Public Pressure a Main Driver in Fighting Corruption-Ssemujju

    The ruling NRM and its leaders are fortified in the belief that as long as they can master the numbers to support the party, President Museveni will always pardon them, even in the face of corrupt practices.

    We are Short of 12 Signatures but will Finalize...

    The team will hand in the notice calling next week, and the Speaker should not to wait for the 14 days to elapse because Ugandans are so exhausted with the corruption at Parliament and have thus run out of patience to wait for that long.

    COMMISSIONERS’ CENSURE MOTION: Ssekikubo Admits Failing to Obtain Required...

    The collection of signatures still continues as the notice hasn’t yet been filed before the Clerk to Parliament’s office, which doesn’t bound Ssekikuubo's motion to the 14-day rule.

    Bugiri Officials Arrested over UGX 1.2 Billion Loss to...

    The Inspectorate of Government (IG) has arrested nine officials from Bugiri District Local Government (DLG) and one from Madi...

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