This International Women's Day, while celebrating the achievements and resilience of women globally, it is crucial to acknowledge the unseen battles fought behind the ever-present smile.
Joyce Namutosi, a counselor at Butiru health center in Manafwa district...
Police have apprehended nine suspects in a successful crackdown on criminal gangs in Mukono district after an operation on March 2, 2025.
Authorities say the suspects were caught in a white Noah vehicle with registration number UBR...
According to President Museveni’s letter about the rationalization of UCDA, it is fraudulent for UCDA to claim that the big boost in agricultural production is because of its efforts, arguing that since 1991, the year UCDA was formed, by 2013, 68% of the Ugandan homesteads were still outside the money economy, which compelled the government to initiate Operation Wealth Creation.