Friday, July 5, 2024

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    Tag: Eid Al-Adha

    Even though Burora has on many occasions mocked torture victims and dismissed illegal arrests and kidnaps, he deserves a fair hearing.
    Most of the raids are fueled by the Karamojong and the indigenous Itesots themselves.

    Muslims are not Terrorists-Gen Kahinda Otafiire 

    The Internal Affairs Minister Gen. Kahinda Otafiire has assured Ugandans that the Muslim community are not terrorists like many...

    Prices of Sacrificial Animals Hiked as Muslims set to...

    The price of animals such as goats, cows and sheep has gone up following Muslim Eid al-Adha celebration set...

    Muslims Clerics Ask for Animal Donations in Preparation for...

    Muslim Clerics are calling for animal donations by well-wishers ahead of Wednesday, June 28, 2023, Eid al-Adha celebrations. Sheikh Haidar...

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