Sunday, December 22, 2024

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    Tag: Director General of the National Agricultural Research Organization (NARO)

    A retired senior military officer, RO/00184 Colonel (RTD) Dick Bugingo, has continued to use both practical and theoretical farming skills to transform the livelihoods of many Ugandans through mindset change and model farming. At his AGDI diary...
    70-year-old Scholastica Namuli, a widow to Karoli Lubowa, was attacked and brutally hacked in Busowe village, Kirumba sub-county, Kyotera district.

    China-Uganda Plantation Projects to Fight Climate Change

    During the recent 2024 forum on China-Africa Cooperation Summit, China announced 10 partnership initiatives or actions covering 10 areas of cooperation between the Asian nation and East African country in the coming few years. Among these are the partnerships for agriculture and livelihood.

    China-Africa Centre for Perennial Rice Technology to Increase Food...

    The partnership presents Ugandan researchers with invaluable opportunities, including access to cutting-edge research and development in perennial rice plus knowledge exchange in perennial rice cultivation, further reducing labor costs and increasing returns to investment. 

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