Saturday, June 29, 2024

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    Tag: Court

    "The UPDF has greatly benefited from the training support provided by the Global Security Service Group, and we are grateful for this fruitful partnership," Maj Gen Bakasumba said.
    Be disciplined and intelligent in order to have a good reputation and representation.

    11th Parliament Risks Lacking Quorum If the Corrupt Are...

    The ongoing arrests of legislators and technical staff of Parliament to curb corruption have raised the hopes of Ugandans,...

    Uganda Gov’t to Imprison, Fine Offenders as Crack Down...

    The government cannot compensate encroachers, as this would not only invite more encroachments but also be a tacit approval of illegality.

    Lands Ministry to Register all Church of Uganda Land

    No occupants will be chased from the land but will instead be registered and given certificates of occupancy to allow them to pay the nominal ground rent, ‘Busuulu.’

    CJ Owiny Dollo Roots for Frequent Use of Plea-Bargain

    The Chief Justice, Alfonse Chigamoy Owiny-Dollo, has highlighted the deep-rooted tradition of plea bargaining in Ugandan culture, aligning with...

    UPC Applauds NRM Gov’t for Tough Actions Against Corrupt...

    The opposition Uganda People’s Congress (UPC) party has commended the ruling National Resistance Movement (NDM) government for taking tough...

    UPC Asks Museveni to Arrest ‘BIG FISH’ Corrupt Officials...

    The Uganda People’s Congress (UPC) has urged President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni to draw attention to well-known corrupt officials whom...

    Ntungamo Dairy Farmers Cooperative Boss Jailed over UGX 470...

    Myers Muhimbura would record lesser quantities of milk supplied to the cooperative by member farmers, and after selling the milk delivered, he would steal the difference in money realized.

    Women MPs Propose Six-Month Timeframe for Court Cases Involving...

    The practice in Karamoja, where some families still demand 100 heads of cattle as the bride price, creates an avenue for the women to be treated like property in marriages.

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