Sunday, June 30, 2024

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    Tag: Citizens

    "The UPDF has greatly benefited from the training support provided by the Global Security Service Group, and we are grateful for this fruitful partnership," Maj Gen Bakasumba said.
    Be disciplined and intelligent in order to have a good reputation and representation.

    Tension Rocks Kenyan Cities as President Ruto Allows Public...

    Kenyan President William Ruto has allowed citizens to stage street demonstrations, saying it’s a constitutional right. While meeting the leaders...

    Is the Fight against Corruption Slipping through the Hands...

    In today's world, corruption remains an apparently inevitable force, especially in Uganda, where it has become a persistent issue...

    Assuming the Letter is Forged, What is President Museveni’s...

    In a new development, the Presidential Press Unit has come out to inform the general public that the letter...

    DP Urges Citizens to Actively Participate in National Census

    The Democratic Party (DP) has encouraged all citizens to actively participate in the national census process, starting from May...

    NEED Urges Traders to Push for Tax Reduction Ahead...

    The National Economic Empowerment Dialogue (NEED) party has urged traders not to be deterred from demanding tax reductions ahead...

    Late Nalongo Zawedde Lived an Exemplary Life-President Museveni

    President Yoweri Kaguta Museveni has hailed Nalongo Kasalina Zawedde Muwanga, wife of the late President Paulo Frobisher Sedduge Muwanga...

    Is the Large Parliament of Uganda Serving Ordinary Citizens?

    The Parliament of Uganda currently comprises 529 members, and it is one of the largest parliamentary bodies in the...

    NEED Advises Government to Reduce Overspending to Relieve Citizens...

    The National Economic Empowerment Dialogue (NEED) party has advised the government of Uganda to reduce its expenditure in order...

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