Wednesday, July 3, 2024

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    Tag: Chief Registrar

    Theodore Ssekikubo, the Head Mover of the Censure Motion against Four Parliamentary Commissioners, has refuted claims of dropping the motion, saying he has come a long way for him to just drop it.
    The Uganda People’s Congress (UPC) Party has urged the government of Uganda to consider carrying out Local Council I and II elections as they are long overdue. While speaking to members of the press on July 3,...

    Judiciary Warns Staff Against Absenteeism from Work, Poor Customer...

    The Chief Registrar, Her Worship Sarah Langa Siu, has cautioned cadres of staff in court about absenteeism and encouraged...

    MPs Protest Increase of Supreme Court Justices, Warns on...

    Members of Parliament have protested a move by the government to increase the number of justices at the Supreme...

    Chief Registrar Sensitizes Public on Court Fees

    Sarah Langa Siu, the Chief Registrar, has on September 8, 2023, hosted a Media Breakfast meeting at the Judiciary...

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