Saturday, June 29, 2024

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    Tag: budget

    "The UPDF has greatly benefited from the training support provided by the Global Security Service Group, and we are grateful for this fruitful partnership," Maj Gen Bakasumba said.
    Be disciplined and intelligent in order to have a good reputation and representation.

    UPC Applauds NRM Gov’t for Tough Actions Against Corrupt...

    The opposition Uganda People’s Congress (UPC) party has commended the ruling National Resistance Movement (NDM) government for taking tough...

    LoP Ssenyonyi Tells Speaker Among to Stop Managing Parliamentary...

    The Leader of Opposition in Parliament, Joel, has told the Speaker of Parliament, Anita Annet Among, to refrain from...

    Uplift the Private Sector to Improve the Economy—NEED to...

    For the government to uplift the private sector, the middle-class economy has to be revived. Uganda’s economy has no middle class but rather the political class, which is the rich and the poor.

    Finance Ministry Launches Budget Month to Popularize Gov’t Priorities...

    The Ministry of Finance and Economic Planning has on Tuesday, June 4, 2024 launched the budget month in order...

    Ministry of Finance Issues a Second Budget Call to...

    The Permanent Secretary and Secretary to the Treasury (PSST) of the Ministry of Finance, Planning, and Economic Development, Ramathan...

    NEED Warns Government on Dangers of Passing Unnecessary Supplementary...

    The National Economic Empowerment Dialogue  (NEED) party has warned government of the substantial dangers of continued requests and passing...

    Finance Minister Tasks Accounting Officers on Efficiency, Accountability

    The accounting officers of government ministries, departments, and agencies have been directed to ensure strict efficiency and timely accountability. The...

    Police Seek Funds to Construct Referral Hospital in Nsambya

    The construction of the Police Referral Hospital in Nsambya, Uganda has been delayed due to a lack of funds. The...

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