Third Deputy Prime Minister, Minister Rukia Isanga Nakadama has taken a significant step in fostering the implementation of key government programs in Mayuge District.
During her visit to Kavule Parish on Saturday, January 4, 2024 she emphasized...
Like the usual benchmarking trips abroad that turn into merry-making festivities without any substance, the regional parliamentary sittings are just extravagant feel-good parties for these MPs and their girlfriends or boyfriends as they waste taxpayers’ money—a Marie Antoinette financial virus consuming taxpayers’ money.
In a kleptocracy, corrupt politicians enrich themselves secretly outside the rule of law, through kickbacks, bribes, and special favors from lobbyists and corporations, or they simply direct state funds to themselves and their associates.
The ruling NRM and its leaders are fortified in the belief that as long as they can master the numbers to support the party, President Museveni will always pardon them, even in the face of corrupt practices.