South African Minister calls on NAM States to Establish Non-manipulable Systems

The South African Minister of International Relations and Cooperation,  Dr. Grace Nalendi Pandor Mandisa

The South African Minister of International Relations and Cooperation,  Dr. Grace Nalendi Pandor Mandisa, has called upon the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) members to put in place systems that are not manipulated by powerful nations.

Dr. Mandisa, while speaking at the Ministerial Meeting of the 19th edition of NAM on January 17, 2024, emphasized the importance of reformed and fair global governance systems.

“We require a system that isn’t manipulated by powerful nations, which aims at preventing selective application of international law and upholding fundamental respect for human rights,” Dr. Mandisa Said.

She also emphasized the need for the United Nations Security Council to widen its presentation so that African countries are more represented, which will reduce the selective application of international law and uphold respect for humanity.

Dr. Mandisa further called for an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza conflict and advocated for the release of the captives by Hamas.

“South Africa condemns terrorism in all its forms and manifestations.  When tackling regional and international security, it is imperative that we remain steadfast in advocating for the independence of all oppressed peoples, including those in Western Sahara,” Dr. Mandisa added.

She noted that South Africa strongly holds the belief that the Badung Principles, upon which the movement was established, remain pertinent in the present day.

An armed conflict between Israel and Hamas-led Palestinian militant groups has been taking place chiefly in and around the Gaza Strip since October 7, 2023, with clashes also taking place in the Israeli-occupied West Bank and on the Israel-Lebanon border.