Security Enhances Joint Patrols Amid Terror Alert


The Joint Security Task Force has enhanced patrols within the City following a terror alert issued by the United Kingdom government.

The UK government recently issued a statement claiming that terrorists were very likely to try to carry out attacks in Uganda.

On Monday, July 3rd, 2023, SCP Fred Enanga, the police spokesperson,  said during a weekly security brief held at Naguru police headquarters that they have enhanced both day and night patrols.

He noted that as part of the preventive measures, security has embarked on conducting on-site inspections of certain vital installations within the city to increase security vigilance among the community.

Enanga also urged the public to remain vigilant by paying critical attention to people’s funny actions, including taking photos of certain installations without permission, among others.

According to Enanga, the public should often offer relevant information in regards to any suspected cases of terrorism and avoid providing shelter for the recruits.

“The public should remain on alert and maintain safety in places where they live, places of work, and social entertainment as they go out for happenings,” Enanga said.

He insists that the community must alert security once they come across anyone with recording equipment, including cameras, phones, and other recording gadgets, using it to obtain locations, coordinates, and images of specific installations without permission.

“Be aware of people who are making notes and sketches; the public should pay close attention to those people who have been around the same premises for a long time and are watching the staff of the company,” said Enaga.

Enanga said other people will come asking about buildings, those who drive in slow motion and try to survey the same premises and look for parking at the same time, and the public has to take interest and inform the security agencies.