Residents of Sheema District Call on Government to deal with Possible LandSlides Threatening some HouseHolds

Cracks that are likely to cause a landslide in Ekijogoma Village, Katojo Parish, Masheruka Sub County in Sheema District.

Residents of Sheema District are facing looming danger as large cracks have emerged in the hills surrounding some of their homes.

According to the affected persons, the cracks initially spotted have widened significantly following heavy rainfall on December 5, 2023.

Fearing for their safety, affected residents have called upon the government to intervene in the situation, which could lead to a disaster such as a landslide.

Residents sought assistance from local authorities, including the police and the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) of Sheema District.

A team from Masheruka Police Station, CAO Sheema John Patrick Abigaba, and the Resident District Commissioner (RDC) of Sheema, Muhindo Pulleria Kunihira, visited the affected area to assess the situation and identify the families at risk. They estimated that up to 16 households may be forced to evacuate their homes due to the potential for landslides.

Abigaba confirmed there were no casualties and noted that the authorities are vigilant and are prepared to provide immediate support where necessary.

“We thought that it was caused by the stone querying, but it was the heavy rain fall,” Abigaba said.

As a precautionary measure, the Sub County Chief of Sheema District Local Government, Kunguvu Hassan, has advised the affected households to temporarily relocate with friends or family members until the situation stabilizes.

The authorities said they were preparing a report to the Prime Minister’s Office requesting assistance for the affected families.

In a cautious message to the community, the officials urged the residents of Katojo to remain alert for any further developments, especially during the ongoing rainy season.

The possible landslides are in Ekijogoma Village, Katojo Parish, Masheruka Sub County, in Sheema District.