President Ruto Warns against Poor Health Services

Kenyan President Williams Ruto during the celebration,photo by Agency

Kenyan President Dr. Williams Ruto has cautioned medical workers against poor health services and urged them to adopt a preventive health care system.

This was during the celebration of Kenya’s 60th Mashujaa Day, held at Kericho Green Stadium. The day is to honour all those who contributed towards the struggle for Kenya’s independence and positively contributed to post-independence Kenya.

“I hope health providers in health facilities are listening. This is a big achievement if it can be implemented well because health is very expensive in this country,” said President Ruto.

He says the Kenyan government has instituted a paradigm shift to preventive health rather than curative.

“The government is currently rolling out the last mile of 100,000km of fiber optic infrastructure throughout the country to improve health facilities, schools, and judiciary offices in far-flung areas and other public institutions. We are also concurrently setting up 25,000 WiFi hot-spots targeting fresh produce markets, bus parks, and other public spaces,” said President Ruto.

Initially, Mashujaa Day was known as Kenyatta Day and was celebrated in honour of Kenya’s founding president, Jomo Kenyatta, and a few other freedom fighters who contributed to Kenya’s independence.